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A member registered Apr 28, 2016

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Wow, ICOM Simulations has done Fantasy, Detective Noir, and Haunted Houses, and now they've even done Sci-Fi!

Wait, this wasn't done by ICOM?

In all seriousness, this was a fantastic game. About as long as the actual ICOM Simulation Macventures (At least on the first playthrough, perhaps slightly shorter when going through it a second time, which is really just a speedrun like the others), and just as fun.

Given the resurgence of Point and Clicks in recent years, if something like this was slightly expanded, or perhaps a new game in the style altogether, Macventures having always been my favorite style of Point and Click games, I honestly wouldn't think twice about buying this. Hell, for five dollars or so I probably would have bought this anyway.

It has the same pitfalls that the Macventures did, with cheap deaths and whatnot, but you did keep the NES mechanic of starting a screen prior to death. Also, being able to simply right click to close is pretty handy, although the text speed is a bit slow and can't be skipped like in the NES games, the text is also a bit too close together at points, and the while the screen transitions use the same sprites as the NES games, though don't animate as fluidly. Those are all really minor complaints, but it's otherwise a fantastically put together little game. I'll likely revisit it before I do Deja Vu at least.